Waiting for the Road to Open

I am sitting in my room at the Cliff Lodge in Snowbird, Utah waiting to hear if the road will open in time for our shuttle to get us to the airport in time for our 2:00 flight home. As I reflect on this metaphor of "waiting for the road to open" I see how often we do wait for the road or the path to open before we take action, or make the next move. Out the window of my hotel room, the sun is glistening on two feet of fresh snow and I am sad to be leaving. it's been an amazing ski trip, one for the ages on one of the most beautiful mountains in the world with unprecedented amounts of fresh snow every day!

I am blessed at this point in my life to have the health and vitality to take awesome ski adventures like this one. At many junctures of my life, I have found myself waiting for the road, the door or the window to open so I could do what I intended or become who I thought I should be.  Now I get that the road had opened and I have the wherewithal and internal tools to live life to the fullest. 

I have found that my age is a gift, have let go of so much of the intensity and anger I once had. With greater peace of mind along with an  ever expanding focus on mindfulness.  

This is a story of a guy who thinks like a young man as he grows older and hopefully wiser. The wisdom to recognize when the road is open and taking the action to go and the foresight to wait when it’s closed. 

The road opening can be a metaphor for one’s spiritual awakening. The challenge is to stay awake, be in touch with our souls, true essences  and not be lulled into complacency or going through life half asleep. 

I’ve recently made the decision to open my own Commercial Real Estate Firm . This major life decision is a classic example in my life of waiting for the road to open. It wasn’t a decision that took a long time to make, circumstances created an opening in the road for me.  

So as I reflect on this new chapter in my life, the plan is to offer my services with mindfulness always putting my clients needs first. Compassion and higher awareness are the foundations my business will be built upon.


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